Soccer is open to all St. Christina students and RE participants, PreK-4 to 8th Grade
See Athletics / Forms for Registration, Health, Uniform Order and Code of Conduct Forms
Sign-Ups for Spring Soccer will take place on Sunday, August 18 from 11:30 am to 1 pm at St. Christina Fields and on Tuesday, August 20 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm at the Parish Center.
Checks only! Please have paperwork filled out before coming to registration. No late registrations.
Fall Soccer is co-ed for all ages and is available from PreK-4 to 8th Grade. Both St. Christina students and RE participants are eligible to play.
Cost - $65 for 1 player, 2 or more $120 per family
$15 Jersey Fee required for all players that don’t own the current black jersey from the 2023-2024 season. All teams will use the same jersey, so you can keep it and re-use for as long as it fits your player!
An Athletic Health Registration Form must be completed each player.
All coaches must be Virtus certified. If interested in coaching, especially the younger grades, or if you have any other questions, please contact Melissa Schaller at mschaller12@yahoo.com.
There are two seasons: Fall and Spring.
The Fall Season starts after Labor Day and runs till the end of October. The Fall League for PreK-4 through 4th Grade plays in the Holy Redeemer League, which consists of traveling to different fields. The Fall League for 5th through 8th Grades plays in the Southwest Catholic Soccer League. Teams are Coed in Fall.
The Spring Season starts in March and runs until the first week of June. The Spring league is co-ed for PreK-4 through 2nd Grades.
3rd through 8th Grades are divided into separate boy & girls leagues.
If there are not enough players, they will be combined and put into a co-ed division.The Spring League is a travel league.
Soccer pictures are taken during the Fall Season.
Check the weather radar for incoming storms. Game cancellations may occur just before game time. So please, show up at your game if the website does not indicate the game is canceled, or if your coach has not called.
If the weather is questionable, please check the site, any cancellations will be posted by 3:30 pm. All coaches will be notified as soon as possible. Some schools may not contact the coordinator, if in doubt call the coach. Remember all games will be played in the rain.

Anyone interested in coaching, or any other questions, please contact Melissa Schaller at mschaller12@yahoo.com.
Coaches must be Virtus trained.
Saint Albert
Saint Albert
Saint Alexander
Saint Barnabas
(Dan Ryan Woods)
Saint Bede
Saint Bernadette
(Duffy Park)
Saint Catherine
Saint Catherine
Christ The
King (Dan Ryan Woods)
Saint Fabian
Saint John
Fisher (Monroe Park)
Saint Gerald
Saint Gerald
Saint Germaine
Saint Germaine
Saint Jane
Saint Linus
Saint Louis
de Montfort (Centennial)
Saint Louis
de Montfort (Central)
Queen of
Martyrs (Circle)
Queen of
Martyrs (Firehouse)
Saint Mary
Star of the Sea (Lawler)
Saint Mary
Star of the Sea (Oxy)
Saint Michael
Saint Nick
Saint Patricia
Most Holy
Redeemer (Firehouse)
Sacred Heart
(Cal Park)
Sacred Heart
Saint Symphorosa
Saint Turibius
Saint Walter
Our Lady
of the Woods (Palos West)
