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Essay Contest Winner!!! - Pictures
February 2012
In an effort to keep working towards a bully-free world, the students in Mrs. Bresnahan’s 7th and 8th grade communication class participated in a writing contest back in November. The contest was sponsored by the Maryknoll Society, a Roman Catholic group that focuses on the overseas mission activity of the Catholic Church. The theme for the writing contest was “JESUS and BULLYING.” The assignment was to tell a story of how you or someone you know experienced bullying, then explain how you think Jesus would tell all those involved to handle the situation. This contest was open to all students across the United States.
We are very proud to announce that Tori Carroll won second place in the 6th-8th grade division. Tori’s winning essay will be published in the May/June issue of Maryknoll magazine. Also, representatives from Maryknoll will visit our school on March 14th to present Tori with her award and applaud all our students for working towards a peaceful world. After reading all the essays, it is truly evident that our students have enveloped Jesus’ message to “Love one another.”