GriefShare Support at Christ the King
A winter cycle of GriefShare, the Christian centric grief support program for those who have lost a loved one to death, has begun. The sessions are held on Sundays beginning at 12:30 pm in the basement meeting room of the Christ the King rectory at 9235 S. Hamilton in Chicago.
The cycle is thirteen sessions, each about one hour, forty-five minutes in length. Each session begins with a video of approximately forty minutes focused on a subject common to the grief experience. Small group discussion which includes use of a workbook follows the video presentation.
One may register at griefshare.org: click Locate a Group, insert CK 60643 zip, find CK listing, and complete the information. A suggested fee of $25 covers the workbook expense. Scholarships are available.
For any additional information or queries email griefshare@ckchicago.org or call Tom Bianciotto at 773-398-4682.