On Wednesday, November 27 our last Split the Pot envelope was drawn. It was Envelope No. 410 Congratulations to the winner who won $871.00 which was 50% of the total prize amount of $1,742.00. Thank you for your support of Split the Pot through the years.
In order to be eligible to win the drawing, you will need to make a minimum Sunday offertory donation of five dollars and a minimum donation of five dollars in the special Split the Pot envelope. We welcome your Sunday donations on a monthly basis to assist in budgeting. However, the raffle is designed to be played each week so a weekly Split the Pot envelope is ideal. If you are traveling, or for some other reason, are unable to join us on a particular Sunday, please feel free to drop off your envelopes in advance or by Monday 9:00 am for that week’s drawing.
Since the stated donations are minimums you need to clearly mark checks that cover multiple weeks. For example, if you will be out of town for a particular month then a single check of at least $25.00, and hopefully more, can be written in a single Sunday Offertory envelope with the upcoming dates written on the envelope. However, we would appreciate five individual split the pot envelopes with $5.00 in each one if you are choosing to be a part of the raffle. We want to make sure that we are being completely fair to you and to all those participating in the raffle.
- Only registered parishioners are eligible to win this weekly drawing. If you are not registered with our parish, you can complete the registration form online BY CLICKING HERE or come to Rectory and we will give you a registration form.
- You must play to win. In addition to your regular weekly offering of at least five dollars, the cost of a split the pot entry for any given week’s drawing is also five dollars. (There are separate envelopes for Split the Pot). All monies for Split the Pot will be set aside until there is a winner.
- There may not be a winner every week. Each week, a name is drawn from our entire, (whether they participated in Split the Pot or not) parishioner file. If the name drawn participated in that week’s split the pot drawing, they will win the Split the Pot prize.
- If the name drawn from our entire parishioner file did not participate in Split the Pot that week, the money will be rolled over to increase the next week’s jackpot.
PLEASE NOTE - For those using the extra Split the Pot envelopes provided at the doors of church; please be sure to put your name, address and Envelope ID number (if you know it). Since these envelopes are not preprinted, we have no idea who you are.
We are also receiving entries through the post office, sometimes these are late entries that do not qualify. because we have drawn the number before receiving the envelopes. Envelopes received after the weekly drawing, will be included and recorded for the following week’s drawing. We will do our best and are committed to being transparent. If at all possible please send in one envelope and one check or cash specifically for Split the Pot in the week that it is drawn.
Thank you for you continued generosity and understanding,
Emmett Williamson - Business Manager