The St. Christina Holy Name Men's Club is open to all men over the age of 18 who meet as a group at least once a month to support the parish through pray, play, and conducting various fundraisers to support our parish and school.
Among those who receive our support are the men’s softball and basketball league; homebound meal program; St. Vincent de Paul Society; eighth grade graduation party; and annual Christmas gift to our teachers.
Much of the funding is raised through the annual NFC-AFC Playoff Party held in the school hall.
We meet as a group once a month, generally on a Friday, except during Lent, to have a general discussion of upcoming events, discuss funding and enjoy the camaraderie of the group. Male parishioners interested in joining are invited to attend any of the events or call the Rectory at
773-779-7181 or send an email to, with your name and phone number.
Over 40 members of the St. Christina Holy Name Men’s Club gathered January 10th for Chili Night, a longtime tradition to kick off the year. Members unanimously voted to contribute $500 to Park Lawn, for their great work helping adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The donation is an increase from the $300 annually contributed the past several years.
Incoming President Mike Giancarlo informed members that Holy Name bylaws are being revised for the first time in 25 years. Members will get a chance to view, and vote on, the changes in the coming months. Plans are being formalized to sponsor a Lenten bus trip to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John’s, Indiana. The trip will be open to all parishioners.
The St. Christina Holy Name Men’s Club is looking for a few good men to join our organization. We currently are seeking the fathers of our school children to join up with us and continue our mission to bring our parish men together for camaraderie, spirituality, and fun. We have monthly Friday night meetings from September to May and a July barbeque. A nominal yearly dues fee includes food and refreshments at every meeting.
Our group generously donates to our church and school, including a yearly Christmas contribution to our teachers and a donation for the eighth-grade graduation party. We also have donated food and cash to help Sister Ann Vincent’s pastoral care ministry. We have our annual NFC/AFC party fundraiser in January to help us offset our costs. We are hoping that you will decide to join along with some of your other parish friends. They do not have to be a school father. All men of the parish 18 years and older may join. Some of our events include:
- The Holy Name softball and basketball leagues
- Baseball, football, and hockey bus trips
- Guest speakers at our meetings
- Poker after meetings
- Steak night… and much more to come
Come out and join us and get more involved with your parish family. It will be rewarding for the new longtime friendships you will make and the memories you will enjoy for years to come. For information, contact any board member listed below. If you would like to join now, just write down your name, address, phone number, and email address, put it in an envelope addressed to the Holy Name Men’s Club, and drop it in the Sunday collection or drop it off at the rectory. We will get back to you and hope to see you soon!
Questions? Send an email to, with their name and phone number.
Mike Giancarlo - President
John Mahoney - First Vice-President
John Gorman - Second Vice-President
Bill Sweeney - Secretary
Mark Renderman - Treasurer
John Owens - Sergent-at-Arms
Mo Walsh - Membership Chairman
Jack Ulrich - Athletic Chairman
Mike Sinde - School Liaison
Chuck Bingham - Advisor
Tom Downes - Advisor
Bill Fitzgibbons - Advisor
Ed Hayes - Advisor
Pat Roberto - Advisor