Savvy Seniors meet once a month from September through May
usually at 11:30 am or 12 Noon in the Parish Center.
All are welcome.
Next Savvy Senior Meeting - Game Day and Brown Bag Lunch
Thursday, November 14 at 12 Noon
St. Christina Parish Center
111th Christiana Avenue - Behind Church
Get together with some friends and decide if you want to play Bunco, a card game, or some type of board game like Trivial Pursuit. You provide your game and bring a brown bag lunch and beverage. Bottled water will be available.
Also, we will be collecting non-perishable food and toiletries for Pat’s Pantry, so bring your donations to the Parish Center and they will be delivered.
RSVP to Joan at or Eileen at 773-445-0802.
Please call Sister Ann Vincent at 773-445-6779 for any questions or information.