Dear Parishioners,
In last week’s bulletin, Fr. Ryan told us that he would be attending his annual retreat so he has asked me to write an article for this week’s bulletin. Please remember to keep Fr. Ryan in your prayers as he spends silent time with Jesus in deep prayer reflection and spiritual renewal.
In today’s Gospel, we hear of the blind man begging Jesus to open his eyes so that he could see. It makes us think how difficult it must be to be blind. But, in reality, we all have blind spots in our lives. And, I think this is one message in today’s Gospel. What are your blind spots? There are blind spots in our relationships with others, blind spots in judging other people, in judging ourselves, and also in our spiritual relationship with God. In our community, we have churches, schools, businesses, and a neighborhood where people interact with one another. Most neighborhoods have similar lifestyles and families, local government, similar incomes, and it is a friendly place where we feel at home. However, there are also others in our community who don’t fit into our lifestyle and are alone. How a community treats its most vulnerable members tells us a lot about that community whether these individuals have a physical or mental disability, illness, age, an emotional disturbance, or just can’t take care of herself or himself. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is showing his disciples not to push them away but to care for them. Isn’t He also asking us to do the same? St. Christina’s parish is blessed to have parishioners that visit the homebound with meals as well as those who bring them Communion. We have organizations who help those with special needs and ministries that offer support. Thank you for all those who are involved, and we all appreciate your time and dedication to provide these services to them. It’s easy for us to stay in our spiritual “blindness” and pretend these people don’t exist and to simply go on with our own lives. Let our parish continue to be a family to all and let all of us ask God; “Lord, open my eyes so that I may see!”
Also, today’s Gospel reminds us to be persistent in our prayers. We all call on God for this or that but do we keep on persisting in those prayers? Are we sometimes confused about what God can do for us? Do we stop asking? We must trust God and believe that he hears our prayers. Often we ask God for the wrong things but He has a good plan for us and will give you the strength to get through any fights or difficulties along the way. So, remember the promises God has given us that He will never forsake us and His Kingdom and love will always be our joy and our hope. Don’t give up, don’t lose heart. God never does and He is listening NOW.
God’s Blessings,
Fr. Wayne Svida
Associate Pastor of St. Christina Parish