Tuesday, December 26
8th Grade Confirmandi Candidates are welcome to join in a night of reflection and understanding of our Catholic Faith. Our "Lock In" retreat will begin on Tuesday, December 26 in the School Gym. We will have an overnight stay in our Ministry Center. Please meet in the Gym for 6:30 pm for the beginning of retreat.
We will have Pizza, popcorn and soda with a Christmas movie in the evening. Our retreat will end at 8 am on Wednesday morning. Don't forget your pillows and blankets.
Please RSVP to our Youth Minister, Tim O'Brien, at tobrien@stchristinaparish.org - See You There!
The Mission of our Youth Ministry is to gather the youth of Saint Christina on a journey that will bring us closer to Jesus Christ and the Church Community.
The young people of Saint Christina Parish are offered many opportunities to grow in their faith through comprehensive Youth Ministry with dynamic liturgies, retreats, service projects, leadership development, athletics, theater troupe and social activities for Junior High, High School and College students.
Everyone is welcome to join us for St. Christina's Youth Masses and activities on these Sunday evenings, on the following dates:
- Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 10:30 am
- More dates to be posted!
For more information and questions, please contact our Youth Minister, Timothy O’Brien, at 773-445-3435 or tobrien@stchristinaparish.org.